A Destination Management and Marketing Organization (DMMO) markets and promotes a destination while facilitating understanding of the full social & economic dimension of tourism.
- Tourism is funded by a City bed tax paid by visitors, NOT Sedona residents
- 93% of DMMOs receive public funding
- 73% are funded by local bed taxes
- Sedona’s bed tax rate is 3.5%
- The median bed tax rate in DMMO communities is 13%
- The FY19 budget of $2.17 million compares favorably to other communities
- The median DMMO budget is $3.28 million
- Sedona tourism budget is less than Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale and Phoenix
- Our budget is about the same as lesser- known destination such as Kalamazoo, MI Alpharetta, GA
- The Sedona Tourism Bureau receives 55% of bed tax revenue
- Other communities designate a higher percentage
- Cottonwood earmarks 70% for tourism promotion; Tombstone, allocates 100%
- 12 full-time staff members work for the SCC&TB
- Median number of DMMO employees is 15
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