Opportunities don’t just happen — you create them



May 12, 2023


nateus-instagram-1127-ig-1558862601684696477_2005451In recent weeks, people are asking, “What is changing at the Chamber?” The answer is a lot!

For one, our membership is growing. Just in the last few weeks, we had 10 new businesses join the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau. We would like to welcome, Liquos Corporation, Sedona Winds Assisted Living, Maureen Webb, The Peaks, A Senior Living, LaserGirl Skincare, Wise Women Prosper, C.B. Stone & Associates, Inc, The Caring Stone, VeggiEat Of Sedona and Breakthrough Healing & Spiritual Guidance with Ron Damico. These new business owners joined the list of over 750 active members.

In mid-May, we expect to launch the “Rediscover Sedona,” campaign that aims to attract Phoenician residents. This campaign was initiated by the newly formed Sedona-Verde Valley Marketing Association and sponsored by more than 70 local businesses that have contributed funding to attract affluent, responsible visitors, positively impacting our low summer season. The Chamber was hired to help facilitate the campaign.

Additionally, we are getting ready to launch a new membership drive, with added programs that are beneficial to our members.

A recent study on the real value of joining a chamber of commerce revealed that “When consumers know that a small business is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 44% more likely to think favorably of it and 63% more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future.” Furthermore, the consumer infers that the business is trustworthy, involved in the community, cares about its customers, is successful and is a leader in the business community.  We are proud to acknowledge that our growing membership list exudes those qualities.

Our team at the Chamber is highlighting area businesses. Social media videos and a blog post appear on our VisitSedona.com website acknowledging two James Beard Foundation semifinalists, Brett Vibber and Jaren Bates, chefs at The Table at Junipine Resort. Also, in a recent article in the Arizona Republic, we worked closely with their journalist to highlight what is new in Sedona. The article listed many businesses and partners including those on our new Secret 7 list of Arts & Culture and the Ancient Trails, Ambiente Sedona and Mii Amo Spa at Enchantment Resort. These are just a few ways that we are helping to promote our businesses.

We are also bringing new opportunities to our community. Our “Strategies for Success” event at the Community Center on May 16, features Eric McIntosh of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, who will introduce new ways of navigating the twists and turns of business ownership. Eric is kind enough to offer a complimentary membership to Sedona businesses, opening a new pipeline for statewide awareness of Sedona, especially among our growing Hispanic community.

Activities such as our International Women’s Day celebration, regular after-hours mixers (at which non-Chamber members are welcome), Strategies for Success and more will continue to be fixtures of our civic life. Just last month, a few of our members donated prizes for a raffle during our Earth Day clean-up drive. We are proud to contribute to the success of annual events like the Sedona Wine Festival, Yoga Festival, Mountain Bike Festival and the Sedona International Film Festival.

As the region’s most prominent business organization, we are excited that we continue to grow, offering more value and making Sedona the best place to live, work and play.



Michelle Conway, President/CEO
Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau