Getting the most out of your Chamber of Commerce membership



November 10, 2023


photo-sep-07-2023-8-54-57-amThe Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau (SCC&TB) has been the go-to organization for businesses operating in Sedona since 1949. As the largest and longest-standing business association in the area, the Sedona Chamber is dedicated to promoting community prosperity through advocacy, developing the local economy, strengthening connectivity and providing business education.

Our businesses vary from world-class resorts and accommodations, spas, restaurants, retail, art galleries, wellness practitioners, sole proprietors, tour operators and much, much more.

We are proud to announce that our membership has reached record levels. With over 765 members in FY23, our partners receive a multitude of benefits that sometimes get utilized and many that are overlooked.

While the SCC&TB does in fact help its business community, we think of this as a partnership. We understand how hard it is to get connected with the right people who can help you grow your business which is why we strive to be the #1 connector of Sedona business owners.

Over the last several months, we have created a multitude of programs and concepts geared specifically for our partners to help them with business exposure. From enhancing our digital offerings to negotiating rates for national advertising to consulting on marketing and social media efforts, we want to be at the forefront of ensuring that our business community is successful.

Depending on the level of your membership, most include social media posts, blog submissions, networking mixers, digital and print opportunities, inclusion in our weekly newsletters, access to networking events and workshops and receiving our business bulletin to stay informed.

Our Visit Sedona social media sites engages 330,000 followers and fans. Imagine your business intermingling with people who want to visit Sedona. Your membership gives you marketing visibility through social media, business spotlights, digital marketing consultation, enhanced business listings, pop-to-the-top search results and search engine optimization.

We know that you are inundated with emails, but it may be a good idea to sign up for our local newsletter at and be sure to open our Local e-Newsletter and Business Bulletin when you receive them. These newsletters will provide you with information that will keep you informed of programs to enroll in, and opportunities that you can take advantage of.

Our newsletters average between a 34% – 41% open rate. Our team is committed to obtaining and delivering the information you provide to us to garner attention, current information and of course, business leads.

We made a promise that we would provide our stakeholders with opportunities to build and grow their businesses. We are standing by that promise.

We have seen Sedona’s businesses thrive and become icons of Sedona life. We want to honor those who are celebrating their 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th and 70th years of partnership with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce.

If you realize that you are not utilizing all your chamber benefits and want to know more, attend one of our Partner Benefit Meetings. The next one is on Tuesday, November 14, 9 – 10:00 a.m. and on Wednesday, December 13, 9 – 10 a.m.  Sign up online at

If you are not a member and would like to be one, reach out to Donna Retegan, director of partner services at 928.204.1123 (ext. 404) or by email at

As a partner with the SCC&TB, you will discover unique opportunities and forge powerful connections that will elevate your success.

Michelle Conway Kostecki, President/CEO
Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau